Vietnam Travel
Vietnam Attractions

Map & Getting to Cuc Phuong national park

Cuc Phuong National Park is 45km from Ninh Binh. The turnoff from Hwy 1A is north of Ninh Binh and follows the road that goes to Kenh Ga and Van Long Nature Reserve. There is no public transport all the way to the park so you’re best to arrange a motorbike or car in Ninh Binh.

The visitor centre near the entrance has informative English-speaking staff, and guides and tours can be organised here.


Ninh Binh travel
          - Tam Coc ecotourism area
          - Trang An ecotourism area
          - Hoa Lu ancient capital
          - Bai Dinh pagoda
          - Van Long nature reserve
          - Cuc Phuong national park
Vietnam Attractions
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